Sunday, May 15, 2022

How to remember new word and build the vocabulary?

How to remember new word and build the vocabulary?

We can learn new words from everywhere such as Drama, social media, books, games, podcasts, dictionaries, etc. Some people might remember and some couldn't remember those words, plus they don't even know what it exactly means or how to use those words after seeing them almost 100 times. This problem may be caused by ourselves who are lazy to remember and search, don't know how to use it, the length of the word, the word is difficult, or lack of practice. When you found yourself having no interest in learning new words, try to find your favorite activities that can help to learn new words such read books, watching the movie, or texting with friends. There are also some other tips that we recommend to you to improve your vocabulary by learning roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

If you would like to learn whole clusters of words in one stroke, you should get to know the most common roots, prefixes, and suffixes. A word root is the core of a word, the part that holds the basic meaning. A prefix is a word beginning that modifies the root. A suffix is an element tacked on to the end of a word that alters or refines its meaning. Although knowing the meanings of prefixes and roots can unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words, this knowledge should supplement, not replace, dictionary use, because over the centuries many prefixes have changed in both meaning and spelling. Learn as many of the common prefixes, roots, and suffixes as you can, but learn them for better and more precise understanding of words you already know and words that you have yet to look up in the dictionary. When you go to the dictionary, make sure to spend some time on the prefixes and roots that make up each word. You will soon become convinced that a word is not an assemblage of letters put together like an anagram, but the true and natural outcome of evolution.

Without vocabulary we can't understand and learn English. Learning vocabulary is really important for our career and daily life that's why we need to strengthen our word or vocabulary skill.

Written by group 3 
Group members: To Tongheng, Oeng Meyling, Loeurm Vanda, Udam Sonita, Eam Sokrachana.


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