Friday, May 20, 2022

How We Memorise Vocabulary In A Long Term


How We Memorise Vocabulary In A Long Term

        Vocabulary could be a major problem for students, as it was for everyone and even for the linguist. So, accumulating a large and precise vocabulary can be an adventure; it’s not as easy as you think. However, if you’re equipped with the right tools and a sense of curiosity, you’ll have an exciting journey. Here are some ways learn how to memorise vocabulary in a long term:

  • Active Recall: a learning method that you are trying to retrieve information from our brain. Repeatedly asking yourself a question related to the word you have learned. So, it can challenge your brain to retrieve the answer rather than re-read notes over and over.

  • Space repetition: a powerful technique in which you space out your repetitions, or review sessions, so that you are not trying to cram all knowledge into your brain at once. 

10 Proven Memory Hacks: How to Remember New Vocabulary Faster | Spaced  repetition, How to memorize things, Vocabulary

Figure:  Forgetting Curve

  • Treat words like chemical compounds: if you are a student who likes chemistry , then congratulations; you will be a person who can remember words for a long period of time by treating them as the chemical compound. In this case, a word can be compared to a chemical compound, a single unit made up of individual atoms or elements. With words, these elements are known as roots, prefixes, and suffixes. A prefix is a word beginning that modifies the root. A suffix is an element tacked on to the end of the word that alters or refines its meaning.The value of learning prefixes and roots is that they illustrate the way much of our language is constructed. Once learned, they can help you recognize and understand many words without resorting to a dictionary.

  • Preparation: The first step to help you realise how to memorise something fast is to prepare yourself mentally. Be cognizant of the fact that you have certain strengths and some weaknesses. 

  • Exploiting your strengths by working in a comfortable environment. Some prefer to work in a quiet place while others memorise faster while in the crowd. Decide which is the most conducive work environment for you, and then start there.

  • drinking tea: Studies have shown that green tea is a natural catalyst for improving memory. Our entire ability to recall information depends on the strength between neurons in our mind, which are connected by synapses. The more you exercise the synapse by effective repetition, the stronger it is. This would aid you with developing skills to memorize faster. As we get older, our neurons become weaker, and so do the synapses. It leads to memory loss or, in extreme cases, Alzheimer’s. Green tea contains compounds that block this toxicity and keep your brain cells working properly longer. 


We all could enhance our brain to memorise the vocabulary in the long term after learning it definitions by learning how to use active recall, space repetition, observe word as chemical compound, have a good preparation, exploiting the strengths by working in a comfortable environment, and finally drinking tea. all of these components will become a concrete stair for anyone who are willing to memorise the words they have learnt in a long term memory.

 This article is written and edited by Rothana, Monika, Sophannaroth, Visal, Pengly


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