Saturday, June 11, 2022

Flip Classroom : The Concept of 21st Century Learning Adaptation



- Understanding 101 - 


    The Flip classroom concept was first brought up by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, both high school chemistry teachers. Throughout Jon's twenty-four years as a high school science teacher, he guided his teaching with one overriding concern:  what is the best use of face-to-face class time? - the answer is to flip the classroom. 

    What is Flip classroom? 

    Flipped classroom is a "pedagogical approach" in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter”. 

    With the concept of Flip classroom, the word FLIP actually stands for;

F: Flexible Environment 

L: Learning Culture

I: Intentional Content

P: Professional Educator

    Why Flip Classroom?

    When mentioning flip classroom, it's not always meant by utilizing modern technology to assist the learning process. In fact, flip classroom only requires both students and educators to have devices to access online resources and platforms. With this in mind, students should be able to access their teacher's lecturing video. On top of that, while traditional learning model focuses more on students listening to their teacher in class which in turn often leads to misunderstanding or being left behind in class if that particular student did not catch up with the lesson. In contrast, flip classroom helps to ensure engagement within the learning environment and allows an educator to use in-class time to focus more on each student instead. With this method, classroom time is used to encourage debate around what was learned at home, carry out reinforcement exercises and work on points that need clarification or further explanation. Moreover, educators will be able to give instant feedback in regards to their students' performances or struggles.  

    How is flip classroom being implemented? 

    Following "The 6-step guide to flipping your classroom", by Jeff Dunn, we should start off by:

  1. Plan

Figure out which lesson, in particular, you want to flip. Outline the key learning outcomes and a lesson plan.

  1. Record

Instead of teaching this lesson in-person, make a video. A screencast works. Make sure it contains all the key elements you’d mention in the classroom.

In Bergmann and Sams’ book (2012), they also pointed out that does not make a video just for the sake of making a video. Only do so when you feel these are appropriate and necessary. It all depends on the educational goal of your lesson. If making videos better facilitate your instructional goal, then go ahead.

  1. Share

Send the video to your students. Make it engaging and clear. Explain that the video’s content will be fully discussed in class.

  1. Change

Now that your students have viewed your lesson, they’re prepared to actually go more in-depth than ever before.

  1. Group

An effective way to discuss the topic is to separate into groups where students are given a task to perform. Write a poem, a play, make a video, etc.

  1. Regroup

Get the class back together to share the individual group’s work with everyone. Ask questions, and dive deeper than ever before.

After the six steps, Review, Revise, and Repeat!

Some other strategies that can be used in in-class activities include:

  • Active learning. Allow students to apply concepts in class where they can ask peers or instructors for feedback and clarification.
  • Peer instruction. Students can teach each other by explaining concepts or working on small problems.
  • Collaborative learning. Collaborative learning activities could increase student engagement, enhance student understanding, and promote collective intelligence.
  • Problem-based learning. Class time can be spent working on problems that can last for the duration of a semester.
  • Discussions or debates. Give students the opportunity to articulate their thoughts on the spot and to develop their arguments in support of their opinions or claims.


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