Sunday, June 5, 2022

Cornell Notes Taking Method

The Cornell Notes Taking Method

Student often take note during their lectures. It's would be helpful to look back and review them for quiz or exam. But some student struggle to look back at the note that they wrote down because they can't understand what they wrote. There are many ways to take notes and it's great to try out many techniques of notes taking and determine what work best for you.

     What is Cornell notes taking method? The Cornell Notes Taking method is a note taking system devised in the 1950s by Walter Puak, an education professor at Cornell unversity.                    

    How to take Cornell notes 

  • Note Taking Area: Record lecture.
  • Cue Column: As you're taking note, keep cue column empty. Soon after the lecture, reduce your notes to concise jottings as clue for reciting, reviewing, and reflecting.
  • Summary: Sum up each page of your notes in a sentence or two.     

Written by student: Oeng Meyling
Date: June/06/2022



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