Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Feed your concentration

The Spider technique

Spider sounds a bit scary for some people and some find that it is the cutest animal ever exists. By this feeling, people have used technology to study spiders. After learning about spiders' behavior, people find that there is a good lesson to learn from them which we call "Spider Technique". 

What is spider technique?

If you have problem with staying focus, you don't have it anymore with "Spider Technique".

We tend to see spiders everywhere, especially in old buildings. Spider uses its web to catch prey. Once, its web vibrates, it will go and check for food. However, some of the time spider can't find prey on the web. So, it learns to ignore it.

As for people, especially when we are managing our works/tasks, we will find that we are easily distracted by noise, people playing around, and some other stuffs. So, we need to use a wise technique to help us get out of that situation. 

We can use spider technique to help us stay focused by learning to ignore distractions and things that keep disturbing us. We can say that we can be undisturbed even when there are many distractions around us.

But how can we do that???

There are some steps that you can follow:

1. Re-focus

Sometimes, people are doing one work and then another person come to talk with them or some friends invite to hang out, normally, people will throw away their works and enjoy other stuffs instead. By that time, we see that people lose focus on their current task.

When you find yourself in that situation, you have to remind yourself about your current work(Re-focus). As well as, when you find that you are being disturbed, you should tell yourself to keep focusing on your current work avoid delaying.

2. Know the distraction(make it obvious)

Some people are easily distracted by noise, some by sight, some by their own feelings. So, you have to know what kind of thing that keep disturbing you the most, in order to get rid of it.

3. Avoid the distraction

After you know your weakness, you can start a plan to make it unable to disturb you. For instance, if you are a kind of person who doesn't like a crowded place. You can start by making a good environment where people can't enter or maybe lock your door. 

If you are a kind of person who find that sound can easily disturb you, you can start this technique by using an earplug to reduce noise. Or you can find a peaceful place such as library to stay concentrated with your work.

After using spider technique, you will feel better with your concentration.

If there is any error while you use this technique, you can comment and I will guide you personally. Drop your comments.



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