Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Meditation For Beginner

How to Meditate for Beginner

Meditation is proved to have many benefits for us such as it reduces stress, improves sleep quality, promotes emotional health, and more. In this 21st century, with the advancement of technology everything seems hectic for everyone that it makes them find it difficult to concentrate on one task at a time. And here it comes the important of meditation for concentrating. And we all know many scientific benefits of meditation, but the challenging part is that how to meditate in order to acquire those benefits and especially for improving our focus?
Here are a few tips on how to meditate as a beginner:

1 Find a Good Place

In order to meditate effectively, we must find a good ,quiet and relaxing place, a place that we are comfortable with and can stay there for long enough. It can be our house, room,  garden, or it can be at the river side, sea, mountain, and other natural places.

2 Sit Comfortably

Another important things is to mind your posture. You cannot meditate well when you sit uncomfortably, because it will hurt your back, neck, and that will interrupt your mediation. Therefore, you should sit comfortably that it will ensure that you don't hurt your back until the end of time.

3 Set a Timer

Set a time limit for your meditation session. For the beginner level, the optional time limit is 5-10 minutes, and you can keep expanding the time once you get used to it.

4 Eliminate the Distraction 

Meditation can be really hard if you surround yourself with the sources of distractions. Therefore, the best thing is to turn off the notifications of your electronic device or to move the distractions away from you.

5 Focus on Your Breath

The most famous technique for meditation is to focus on inhaling and exhaling your breathes. Count from 1 to 5 when you inhale, and do the same when you exhale. When your attention wanders, don't get frustrated, just simply redirect it to your breathes.. Practicing it daily and consistently will make you get better at it over time, and by then your efforts will pay off.

Meditation should not be a destination or milestone to reach, it should be an activity for pleasure. Meditation requires time and patience to see its result. Be patient and wait until your effort pays off.


At April 26, 2023 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Sunimithm Cheklim said...

It's great that you talk about meditation. Although everyone knows it, not all of them practice it. This will surely help those who is in need of better focus as the main goal for meditation is improving your focus.


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