Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Focusing like Spiderman

Focusing like Spiderman

  As humans, we're very easily distracted, especially by the things surrounding us. It's really easy for us to be influenced by the little things occurring outside of our space. Especially,  when it's something new or something were not aware of that's happening. We tend to get curious, therefore distracted. 

    Now imagine what it's like for Spiderman. With his spidey-senses, he's able to sense almost everything and I mean everything... For almost every single little thing happening he can sense them. He's definitely getting distracted way more than us. So how does he stay focus? That's where The Spider Technique comes in play. 

What exactly is this technique? 

Have you ever wonder how a spider web works? Whenever a strand of silk vibrates from its web, it'll go and check it out thinking a prey has been caught. However, if you keep shaking or playing with the web repeatedly, it'll choose to ignore it instead. It's where the spider technique gets its inspiration from. Simply put, learning to ignore all of the distractions as you become accustomed to them.

You ever find yourself in situations where you're studying but there are many construction sounds going on outside? However, after hearing them for a while, you choose to ignore them. That is what the technique is about. It's to to develop the ability to ignore external distractions (constructions, songs, noises, birds chirping, etc.) There are numerous hindrance everywhere you go, no matter where you are. The best thing you can do is use this technique to learn how to ignore them.

3 Steps you can learn to do (Spider Technique): 

  • Telling yourself to focus 
    • This one is fairly self-explanatory. When you find yourself wanting to indulge, remind yourself to stop and focus (gaming, chatting, movies, etc.). Continue to tell yourself that they are only distractions.
  • Recognize your weaknesses 
    • Know what easily distracts you; find the sources of your distractions.
  • Stay clear of your weaknesses 
    • If you know what distracts you, find places or spaces where these distractions will not be present while you work.
    • Clean and organize your workspace by removing anything that can distract you. Example: phones, tablets, games, etc.


Sabine. “The Spider Technique - Noisli.” Noisli Blog, 31 Mar. 2016, Accessed 6 Apr. 2023.


At April 26, 2023 at 7:12 PM , Blogger Chesthareah Tan said...

nice but lazy to read


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