Wednesday, June 7, 2023

How to deal with stress

 Technique to handle pressure quickly

How can every people deal with stress ? There are many way for people to handle with stress such as an app, technique from social media. How can people choose what of them to work on their stress? This is also one technique  can help you release stress quickly. 

 People like living peaceful and happily but  they have task for their each life for leaving so they must handle with it. There are alot place in the world that make for people visited everyday. The wonderful place make human relax from stress such as mountain, tree, temple, sea...and also in the city, the place that people have work foe money and also the place that them stress. Going outside is the best way for everyone can handle with stress. If you think you want to give up, Don't stay in one place that make you feel exeity.
- Going out for dinner
-buy what ever you want
-shopping to prepare your house
-Going foe movie
-Hang out with favorit person
-Eat want ever you want
- treval different place 
App reduce stress
One special app that everyone have known is : Youtube. There are alot of kind of video that you can watch and listen to such as movie, song, studying. You can also ask what ever you want that you never know before and people call youtuber, they will share thier own experience or what they have reseach for their youtube channel. This app is relate to how to handle with stress. 

How can this app reduce stress? We all have know that a lot of different type of  video are post this app. If people


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