Friday, June 30, 2023

Here is some technique to handle pressure

                                            Some technique to handle pressure 


     This type of meditation is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment.

     In mindfulness meditation, you broaden your conscious awareness. You focus on what you experience during meditation, such as the flow of your breath. You can observe your thoughts and emotions. But let them pass without judgment so that you will become more happier by the way you just follow through.

      Meditate every morning and every evening for 15-30 minutes. Use your mantra in Your First Meditation above. It is best to meditate before you eat something . Please  Try to meditate in a quiet place but if you do not have a quiet place to meditate that is okay. Noise is not a function to meditating.


Here is some video that talk about some point or technique to handle your pressure

Link: (

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


In today's fast-paced and demanding world, pressure has become an inevitable part of our lives. Whether it's work-related deadlines, personal challenges, or the constant expectations we place on ourselves, the ability to handle pressure effectively can make a significant difference in our well-being and success.

Here are some techniques to help us handle pressure:

Understanding Pressure:

Pressure can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances. It often leads to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and a diminished sense of control. While it may seem daunting, it's important to remember that pressure is not inherently negative. In fact, it can be a catalyst for growth, pushing us beyond our comfort zones and enabling us to achieve great things.

The Power of Mindfulness:

When faced with pressure, take a moment to ground yourself. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and tune in to your immediate surroundings. Notice the sensations in your body, the sounds around you, and the rhythm of your breath. By redirecting your attention to the present moment, you can regain a sense of calm and clarity.

 Spotify: The app that be able to improve The Power of Mindfulness

To enhance the practice of mindfulness and provide a practical tool for handling pressure. Spotify, the popular music streaming platform, offers an extensive collection of music spanning various genres and moods. Harnessing the power of music, we can curate a mindful playlist that complements our practice and helps us manage pressure more effectively.

Pressure is an inherent part of life, but how we handle it can make all the difference. By integrating mindfulness techniques and leveraging the vast music library on Spotify, we can transform pressure into an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. The practice of mindfulness combined with a curated mindful playlist can help us stay present, reduce stress, and unleash our true potential.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023



If you're finding an application to handle your pressure or getting stressless. Headspace would be your right answer. In this app there are plenty of functions that help you to release your stress. One of the best solution I would like to recommend is sleep . Getting enough sleep has a powerful impact on your mental health and physical health. 

I. What can headspace do to help you through sleeping ?

You sleep every night , so you should have a good sleeping habits ,right?. Unfortunately many of us don't get quality of sleep we need. From now on learn how to create the conditions for a restful night's sleep from headspace.

II. Sleep mode
When you go into the app you'll see a lot of mode for you to choose ,So first step click on the sleep mode .

+On the sleep mode there are many functions for you to choose such as :-Sleep Casts 
-Wind Downs 
- Night SOS
-Sleep Music 
and all of these functions will help you to relax your mind during bed's time .

1.Sleep Casts 
Sleep cast is similar to bedtime stories, sleep casts take you on an audio-guided tour of a dreamy environment ,which help you build healthy bedtime routines. Headspace's sleep casts used voices that the listeners find comforting and feeling of safety. And because they're slightly remixed each time you listen , you'll never get bored of listening to your favorite, over and over again.
Now let listen to the sleep cast:


2. Wind Downs 


Building a great wind downs routine for the end of your day is the very best way to train your body know that it's time for bed. With the Headspace's wind down will increase your chance of sleepiness,  , and make drifting off so much easier.

Below here are the example of wind down :

3.Night SOS

Can't fall asleep? Waking up in the middle of the night? Oftentimes, our mental chatter keeps us awake at night, as the voice in our mind is busy planning, analyzing, worrying, and arguing with ourselves. This exercise, voiced by Kessonga, helps quiet the mind and helps you get back to sleep.

Get help from night SOS :

4. Sleep Music   

We can easily disturbed in the night by the noises , but you seem to feel relax by the sound of nature which promote sleepiness. Sleep music in Headspace designed as a soundtrack for falling asleep. 

Sleep music samples :

- Dream "light , mellow sounds to send you into the land of dreams". 

- Sea Shapes "the ebb and flow of the clarinet , cello and waves".

* Cloudy Concerto "rain sounds mixed with the organ".

Yoga for beginners--Body and Mind

best technique to handle pressure and stress-Stay calm.

Yoga is a form of strength training, making you more resilent and flexible, which in turn relieves physical tension. It's also use to deep breathing, which triggers the body's relaxation response. The biggest benefit of yoga is not only help you to stay fit and healthy but also help you stay concentrate and focus on what you are doing in the present instead of planning in the future or worrying about the past. In short, yoga is a key to stress management.

1. Find a comfortable place, quiet and you can  move your body around.
2. Devote a set amount of time to flow (set your schedule to do it regularly)
3. Choose a yoga style or practice that work best for you
    For example:
  • Ashtanga yoga (also known as power yoga) is a fast-paced practice where each pose is held for 5 breaths and finished with a sun salutation.
  • Hatha yoga is a gentle practice that bypasses traditional flows to favor familiar stretches.
  • Bikram yoga is a vigorous sequence of 26 poses that stretch, strengthen, and compress your organs.
  • Vinyasa yoga focuses on a state of flow between each pose, working to gently strengthen and stretch the body and mind.
  • Iyengar yoga uses yoga props like blocks, bolsters, and straps and focuses on proper alignment.
  • Bikram yoga (also known as hot yoga) is designed to make you sweat by stretching and strengthening muscles in a heated room.
  • Restorative yoga is a relaxing practice that focuses on healing the mind and body with poses held for 20 minutes.
  • Yin yoga focuses on deep and passive stretches in the hips, pelvis, and lower spine that are held for 1 to 10 minutes.
4. You can follow a guide video of the yoga style you choose through
    YouTube: Yoga with Andriene, Yoga with kassandra, with Zelinda....ect.
    Or through "Yoga for beginner app"
Yoga for beginners--Body and Mind

This yoga app is perfect for people who want to start doing yoga for the first time or best beginners. This app is the top#1 rated free workout for yoga. It is a great way to help you melt the stress a way.

Here are some features and benefits that you will get from using this app:

• Handcrafted workouts to get you started on your yoga journey.

• Soothing voice guidance and music that will help clear your mind.

• Beginner friendly yoga workouts that are easy to learn and perform.

• Workout anytime, anywhere. A yoga studio right in your pocket.

• Build and customize your own personal yoga workouts.

• Apple Health integration to track workouts, calories and weight.

How to use " Yoga app for beginner"?

Here you go!

1. Download " Yoga app for beginner" on your devices for both android and iOS.

2. Take a moment to complete your own information

3. After that you can start your yoga exercise by follow the steps in the video

You can also play the music and set timer in this app

Only these 3 simple steps, you can start your yoga exercise and gain great experience together with "Yoga for beginner app"


For new users, they offer free trail for 3 days with 60% off premium!


 Quick and effective. What are you waiting for?

Let " Yoga for beginner app" get you healthier today!!

How to deal with stress

 Technique to handle pressure quickly

How can every people deal with stress ? There are many way for people to handle with stress such as an app, technique from social media. How can people choose what of them to work on their stress? This is also one technique  can help you release stress quickly. 

 People like living peaceful and happily but  they have task for their each life for leaving so they must handle with it. There are alot place in the world that make for people visited everyday. The wonderful place make human relax from stress such as mountain, tree, temple, sea...and also in the city, the place that people have work foe money and also the place that them stress. Going outside is the best way for everyone can handle with stress. If you think you want to give up, Don't stay in one place that make you feel exeity.
- Going out for dinner
-buy what ever you want
-shopping to prepare your house
-Going foe movie
-Hang out with favorit person
-Eat want ever you want
- treval different place 
App reduce stress
One special app that everyone have known is : Youtube. There are alot of kind of video that you can watch and listen to such as movie, song, studying. You can also ask what ever you want that you never know before and people call youtuber, they will share thier own experience or what they have reseach for their youtube channel. This app is relate to how to handle with stress. 

How can this app reduce stress? We all have know that a lot of different type of  video are post this app. If people


Do you have difficulty falling asleep?

if you have insomnia, choose meditate before bed would be the right thing for you .
Do some meditation before bed can help you to fall asleep faster; and more soundly as well.
Sleeping fewer than 7 hours per night can increase heart disease that can leads to bad eating habits and other illnesses. Moreover sleepless people tend to make mistake on their works and may catch an accident on driving. Furthermore they might have a short term memory and get stress easily.

What are the bad effect of sleepless?

Sleeping fewer than 7 hours per night can increase heart disease that can leads to bad eating habits and other illnesses. Moreover sleepless people tend to make mistake on their works and may catch an accident on driving. Furthermore they might have a short term memory and get stress easily.

Here are 8 technique to helps you fall asleep :

1.Don't look at the clock : the more you keep watching the clock the more your brain alert and stressing you out . it makes you feel more difficulty to fall asleep. So your cloock iaround don't look at it.

2.Try relaxation exercise .


Betterhelp is where you can find the best therapist!

As we all know, mental health is crucial to prioritize our mental wellbeing because it affects every aspects of our lives. Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and it impacts how we think, feel and behave.

When we have a good mental health, we can  manage stress, build healthy relationships, make sound decisions and enjoy life. In contrast, when we struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression or trauma, it can affect our ability to function and lead fulfilling life.

So, What should we do to have improve mental health? There are many ways to improve mental health such as:

1. Identify the source of your stress

2. Practice relation techniques

3. Exercise regularly

4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle (Eating)

5. Practice with time management

But the most effective way is seeking for support. Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional can help you manage stress. They can provide a listening ear, offer support, and help you develop effective coping strategies. These are reasons why Betterhelp was created!

Betterhelp is an online therapy platform that connects people with licensed mental health professionals for counseling and therapy sessions. The platform offers a range of services, including messaging, live chat, phone and video sessions with counselors, therapists, and psychologists.

It is designed to offer affordable, convenient, and accessible mental health support for people who may not have access to traditional therapy due to time, financial, or geographical constraints.

Don't worry with picking the best therapist who match with you. In this app, users can sign up and complete a questionnaire to be matched with a mental health professional who meets their needs and preferences. The platform is available 24/7 and users can communicate with their therapist from anywhere with an internet connection.



1. Download the Betterhelp app: The first step is to download the Betterhelp app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Sign up: You will need to create an account to use the app.

3. Complete a questionnaire: Once you have signed up, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire that will help Betterhelp match you with a therapist who suits your needs. The questionnaire will ask about your mental health history, the type of therapy you are interested in, and other relevant information.

4. Choose a plan: After completing the questionnaire, you will be prompted to choose a plan. Betterhelp offers different plans, including a weekly plan or a monthly plan. You can also choose whether you want to communicate with your therapist through messaging, live chat, phone, or video.

5. Choose a therapist: Once you have selected a plan, you will be presented with a list of therapists who are available to work with you. You can read their profiles, check their availability, and choose the one that you feel is the best fit for you.

6. Connect with your therapist: After selecting a therapist, you can start communicating with them through the app. You can send them messages, schedule live chat sessions, or book phone or video calls with them.

You can attend sessions with your therapist as often as you want, depending on the plan you have selected. You can also reschedule or cancel appointments through the app if needed.

If you are not sure about these steps, you can watch a video below:

Betterhelp offers a free 7-day trial that allows you to try out their services before committing to a paid plan. They offer different plans with varying prices, depending on the level of support you need. Typically, BetterHelp charges a weekly or monthly fee for unlimited messaging, live chat, phone, or video sessions with your therapist.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

I have my personal mind's guide 😎


Welcome to headspace👋your guide to mindfulness and meditation. Think of headspace as your mind's best friend it's here for you whenever you need it helping you : 
-stress less💆 
-sleep soundly 🛌💤
- and stay resilient during though times  
There are many ways to use headspace and all of them will help you feel healthier💪 and happier 😊.

Start by checking out today tap before you move to meditate, sleep, move, and focus mode . At today mode they will recommend a  range of things for you to do such as personalized experience where the content shown here is categorized based on the time of day. This layout is meant to guide you through your day with a variety of mindful activities.



Meditation is where we're known for and there are hundreds to choose from .You can search for meditation that fits your mood .Get guided meditations, courses, and mindfulness exercises on subjects like stress, general anxiety, worry, building resilience, and more topics for any moment.

Build your practice and meditate your way — Headspace is meditation for every experience level and lifestyle. Try short, 3-minute mindful meditation sessions that fit seamlessly into a busy schedule, or choose longer meditations for any time of day. 


Here are a really simple way of getting some more headspace in your life :

When it's time for bed just click the little moon and head to the sleep tab you can relax your mind with a wind down exercise before drifting off to a sleep casts with ambient nature recordings and sleep music with a calming tracks to help you reach a deep slumber. There also a Night time SOS which guided exercise for waking up in the night .

+ Let listen to some sleep casts :


On the focus tap you'll find music to help get you in  the zone with everything from jazz to low-fi beats . 🎧🎼

+Stay focused in the zone with these laid-back beats:


Headspace's new Move Mode was created to help members strengthen both their mind and their body, together. By combining the cognitive and the physical, Headspace is aiming to change peoples' attitudes toward fitness training by teaching them the mindful anchors of intention, breathing, timing, form, and recovery.

+Let do some workouts with olympians Kim Glass:


With so much to choose from Headspace's your guide to just about everything from waking up 🌞 to bed time 🌃and all the moments in between explore the whole app and find out  🔍 🔍 what works for you .