Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Ultimate Guides to Identify The Credible Sources


The Ultimate Guides to Identify the credible sources

           Many college courses need research papers, and the quality of your work is only as good as your research. The internet makes researching practically any topic easier and more accessible than ever before, but it also comes with its own set of obstacles. How can you tell if you're using a credible source among all the information available online?

            Here is some tips to help you identify the reliable source:

        1. Take a closer Look at the author

        determine who own the that site, companies. Knowing the companies whom own the news operation is important because some company only publish for their own benefit like promotions their partner or product. If so, they will provide only a good review about that information they partner provided

2. Check the domain name

            The legitimacy of every domain lies in the three letters at the end of the site’s domain, such as “edu”, “gov”, “org”, and “com”. Generally, .edu websites are credible but we should be aware of sites that use this suffix to mislead us to malware websites or other virus injections to our devices. Also, watch out for some .org websites that could potentially affect your overall searching on the internet. Some organizations are being paid by their supporters to attack or oppose to the government action, for instance, Thus, it would take us sometimes to determine if the information is biased or with a neutral point of view.

3. Search for additional information to justify what you’ve retained from the previous source is legit

                This could be done by finding another credible site; see if that contradicts to your original source because some sources are just the malware in disguise waiting to attack you in many possible ways and trying to mislead you through their prompting links.

           4. Take a closer look at the source

                Look for the authoritative source and see who’s the one behind those articles. This could lead you to the reliable source and remember to check the date of publication, in some cases, some information will not be taken into an account because they are outdated.

           Here are some Credible Sources (Websites)

        List of Reliable sources for Research papers:

  • Google Scholar. It’s the most popular and easy-to-use search engine that can present scholarly pieces of writing on any topic you require. Google Scholar is free to use, and you can choose to look for any type of publishing format.
  • JSTOR. JSTOR is an online library of all kinds of sources, such as books, articles, and journals. Even though access is limited, it can be a great help for students. It is also considered one of the most reliable databases since the sources are selected very carefully before being placed there.
  • Microsoft Academic. You can use this web search engine for free. Not only it helps you find the necessary literature, but it tracks the most recent academic publications and research in the field of your interest! Moreover, it was relaunched in 2016, featuring a more user-friendly interface.
  • SAGE Publishing. This independent publisher gives you open access to academic journals and much more in case of your subscription! Every year they drop thousands of high-quality content in the form of books and journals, so it’s a pretty reputable source.
  • Taylor and Francis Online. It is quite well-known by many researchers and has a good reputation. They publish peer-reviewed journal articles. This online tool gives you access to all the journals published by this company. Free admission is limited, so you should double-check the terms first.
  • ScienceDirect. ScienceDirect is a massive database of scientific and medical literature, which you can access via subscription. All 18 million pieces published there are known to be credible. Therefore, this tool can be more than efficient and reliable for your research.
  • Academia. Academia is a free resource similar to Google Scholar, where you can look through and even download any paper you want. However, sometimes the authors only upload a part of their work. So you would need to contact them yourself if you’re interested.
  • Scopus. It is one of the biggest databases of peer-reviewed journals and articles. Note that they only offer the option of checking the abstracts and citations for free, but not the papers’ full content. So you need to review the terms to gain full access.

  • List of Credible News Sources:
  •  BBC NewsBBC News is one of the most trusted sources you can ever find. They post all the fresh pieces of news in text, video, or audio format on their official website. Since it’s a TV channel, you don’t need to pay extra to access the content.
    • The EconomistThe Economist is a well-known and respected weekly magazine with a focus on international business, economics, and politics. It is also available online. Even though the subscription fee is not that small, people say it’s totally worth it.
    • The Wall Street Journal. It is another American-based giant of the business journals’ world. It appears to be extremely popular and published both digitally and in broadsheet format. You can always find business news for free, but the readers still recommend investing in The Wall Street Journal.
    • Google News. You can think of Google News as a personal organizer of the most relevant headlines. You just set up your preferences, and this tool generates an endless stream of articles based on your interests. It’s believed to be the largest of its kind.
    • The Guardian. We could never miss The Guardian! This British newspaper, staying in business for over two hundred years now, is one of the people’s favorites. Their online publications are free for everybody, but they would appreciate your input since they are running on donations.
    • CNNCNN is another international TV channel which mainly covers business and politics. It’s amongst the most popular channels in the US and is famous for delivering breaking news. It’s a great place to start if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the North American news,

  • List of Credible Sources on Natural Science:

  • NASA. There is no denying that NASA is quite reliable. It’s a governmental source of information about the most recent discoveries and explorations of space. Not only can you find videos, reports, and pictures there, but you can join the live streams of such events as launching and landing!

  • Scientific American. It’s an absolute must-have for everyone interested in science and technology! The works of the most famous scientists were published there. Even Albert Einstein’s article featured in one of the issues! You can either buy a paper version of the magazine or subscribe to their website.

    • Popular Science. This science-oriented source is more for the general audience. Even though it covers various discussions and doesn’t always present the latest discoveries, Popular Science is still a reliable and respectable source of information. As a journal, it has won multiple awards!
    • National Geographic. For the lovers of nature, this source is perfect for exploring the most exciting news and documentaries on any topic you want! It’s originally a TV network, but you can also check out their website and even a smartphone application. It’s also known for being reliable as they provide good sourcing and evidence.


Monday, May 23, 2022

How can false information impact the way we spread the information?

 How can false information impact the way we spread the information?

     Informations is news or knowledge received or given by any facts or set of facts, knowledge that according to news and other advice, whether communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation and the information that we receive from  others can be true or false so consider about the evidence before spread .   

      For one great example to identify and clarify to make a better understanding of the definition information : 

1. Any fact or set of facts, knowledge, news, or advice, whether communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation.

2. Information is facts, data, numbers, images, documents, sound or act of a person to be delivered to the recipient in order to explain. 

The way how the false information impact :

  • Can Affect Your Grades
  • Can Be Harmful to Your Health
  • Makes It Harder For People To See the Truth
  • Can Affect your education and your understanding  level 
  • Everyone will keep assuming the false information as true

The key to stopping fake news is learning how to spot it. Here are some top tips from the experts, so next time you are reading a news story, stop and think before you share it:

  • Always consider whether the information has a named, reliable source
  • Develop a critical mindset when reading news stories
  • Think about what might be missing from the story. Fake news often leaves information out of the story
  • Double check whether quotes attributed to a particular person or group have been represented accurately
  • Look for fake images. If it is a fake news story it maybe includes a fake image or images that might not be relevant to the story. If you believe it is fake, check the image on Google reverse.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Strategies to gathering credible sources of information

 Reading Map

You reading compass

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Guides to Improving Word Frontier and How It Can Affect Self-Esteem


Your Fabulous Vocabulary learning partner

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Friday, May 20, 2022

How We Memorise Vocabulary In A Long Term


How We Memorise Vocabulary In A Long Term

        Vocabulary could be a major problem for students, as it was for everyone and even for the linguist. So, accumulating a large and precise vocabulary can be an adventure; it’s not as easy as you think. However, if you’re equipped with the right tools and a sense of curiosity, you’ll have an exciting journey. Here are some ways learn how to memorise vocabulary in a long term:

  • Active Recall: a learning method that you are trying to retrieve information from our brain. Repeatedly asking yourself a question related to the word you have learned. So, it can challenge your brain to retrieve the answer rather than re-read notes over and over.

  • Space repetition: a powerful technique in which you space out your repetitions, or review sessions, so that you are not trying to cram all knowledge into your brain at once. 

10 Proven Memory Hacks: How to Remember New Vocabulary Faster | Spaced  repetition, How to memorize things, Vocabulary

Figure:  Forgetting Curve

  • Treat words like chemical compounds: if you are a student who likes chemistry , then congratulations; you will be a person who can remember words for a long period of time by treating them as the chemical compound. In this case, a word can be compared to a chemical compound, a single unit made up of individual atoms or elements. With words, these elements are known as roots, prefixes, and suffixes. A prefix is a word beginning that modifies the root. A suffix is an element tacked on to the end of the word that alters or refines its meaning.The value of learning prefixes and roots is that they illustrate the way much of our language is constructed. Once learned, they can help you recognize and understand many words without resorting to a dictionary.

  • Preparation: The first step to help you realise how to memorise something fast is to prepare yourself mentally. Be cognizant of the fact that you have certain strengths and some weaknesses. 

  • Exploiting your strengths by working in a comfortable environment. Some prefer to work in a quiet place while others memorise faster while in the crowd. Decide which is the most conducive work environment for you, and then start there.

  • drinking tea: Studies have shown that green tea is a natural catalyst for improving memory. Our entire ability to recall information depends on the strength between neurons in our mind, which are connected by synapses. The more you exercise the synapse by effective repetition, the stronger it is. This would aid you with developing skills to memorize faster. As we get older, our neurons become weaker, and so do the synapses. It leads to memory loss or, in extreme cases, Alzheimer’s. Green tea contains compounds that block this toxicity and keep your brain cells working properly longer. 


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Sunday, May 15, 2022

How to remember new word and build the vocabulary?

How to remember new word and build the vocabulary?

We can learn new words from everywhere such as Drama, social media, books, games, podcasts, dictionaries, etc. Some people might remember and some couldn't remember those words, plus they don't even know what it exactly means or how to use those words after seeing them almost 100 times. This problem may be caused by ourselves who are lazy to remember and search, don't know how to use it, the length of the word, the word is difficult, or lack of practice. When you found yourself having no interest in learning new words, try to find your favorite activities that can help to learn new words such read books, watching the movie, or texting with friends. There are also some other tips that we recommend to you to improve your vocabulary by learning roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

If you would like to learn whole clusters of words in one stroke, you should get to know the most common roots, prefixes, and suffixes. A word root is the core of a word, the part that holds the basic meaning. A prefix is a word beginning that modifies the root. A suffix is an element tacked on to the end of a word that alters or refines its meaning. Although knowing the meanings of prefixes and roots can unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words, this knowledge should supplement, not replace, dictionary use, because over the centuries many prefixes have changed in both meaning and spelling. Learn as many of the common prefixes, roots, and suffixes as you can, but learn them for better and more precise understanding of words you already know and words that you have yet to look up in the dictionary. When you go to the dictionary, make sure to spend some time on the prefixes and roots that make up each word. You will soon become convinced that a word is not an assemblage of letters put together like an anagram, but the true and natural outcome of evolution.

Without vocabulary we can't understand and learn English. Learning vocabulary is really important for our career and daily life that's why we need to strengthen our word or vocabulary skill.

Written by group 3 
Group members: To Tongheng, Oeng Meyling, Loeurm Vanda, Udam Sonita, Eam Sokrachana.