Saturday, June 11, 2022


What is the CAKE apps?

CAKE sounds sweet, yum yum and like the most popular one in the world right. But this CAKE is an excellent application that helps us to improve our better in English even vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, pronunciation, and especially learn new expressions that you can incorporate into your conversation as well, teaches English to the user by encouraging them to learn new words, provides fun way to learn with basis English sentences and easy words. More than this, it is entirely free in the category of education and there are no annoying ads, 100 million around the world use this app (they keep counting every day) developed by Playlist Corporation CAKE. 

EXTRA more about CAKE 💝
😍 ORIGINAL LESSONS BY CAKE: even lectures can be fun with this app. Learn from the best teachers!
  • It's fun to learn with your favorite celebrity, artist, content creator, and blogger videos
  • It's also full of original content made by CAKE
  • study using the classes create by English experts.
💁 DIVERSE  CONTENT: learn from different ways, step by step
  • just select a topic that you like and start study step by step with class feature
  • practice speaking like a real conversation or how can I speak like a native speaker, just repeating after them from some paragraphs, or conversation (like you are play a role in this conversation), shorts clips, news, trailers, cartoon, comedian, TV shows or etc  then they will analyze and grade your speaking also shown the wrong words that you read wrong too
  • become familiar with different accents and pronunciations
  • learn how to express one sentence in many ways
  • listening in real native speaking in audio or video, their pronoun of each word clearly in the video or audio
  • also you can post video to share your content on cake to other user too.
💬 MEMORIZE WITH  QUIZZES: review expressions with fun quizzes and make sure  they stick with it.
  • review what you have learn 
  • fun quiz to make you feel more motivation 
  • save sentences you like, or content you like, and test yourself
  • in the end of your listening they give you to fill in gaps to make sure What did you hav learn?
  • quiz is a key to expressions 
  • more revision quizzes.

will update new content everyday and are organized by topic, daily expression clips, audio, video, sentences. CAKE also has a Website, YouTube channel, and FB so that you can stay touch to them if you want. 

Download free in: 
App Store  CAKE-Learn English (or search in website to download)
Play store  CAKE: Lesson updates everyday 
YouTube CAKE Learn English ( 


Flip Classroom : The Concept of 21st Century Learning Adaptation



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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Setting up Notion as source of learning and productivity


       Setting up Notion as source of learning and productivity

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The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique

   If you're after a way to supercharge your learning and become smarter, the Feynman Technique is the best way to learn absolutely anything. 

What is Feynman Technique?

        The Feynman Technique is an efficient method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms. It's based on the idea, "If you want to understand something well, try to explain it simply." What that means is, by attempting to explain a concept in our own words that we are likely to understand it a lot faster.

How it works:

1. Choose a concept to learn: Select a topic you're interested in learning about and write it at the top of a blank page in a notebook.

2. Teach it to yourself or someone else: Write everything you know about a topic out as if you were explaining it to yourself. Alternately, actually teach it to someone else.

3.Return to source material if you get stuck: Go back to whatever you're learning from - a book, lecture notes, podcast - and fill the gaps in your knowledge.

4. Simplify your explanations and create analogies: Streamline your notes and explanation, further clarifying the topic until it seems obvious. Additionally, think of analogies that fell intuitive.

Why use it? Because learning doesn't happen from skimming through a book or remembering enough to pass a test. Information is learned when you can explain it and use it in a wide variety of situations. The Feynman Technique gets more mileage from the ideas you encounter instead of rendering anything new into isolated, useless factoids.

The Feynman Technique doesn't let us fool ourselves into thinking we're masters of a subject when we're really amateurs. Each step of the process forces us to confront what we don't know, engage directly with the material, and clarify our understanding.


The Pomodoro Technique

 The Pomodoro Technique

There are many techniques that can help you to stay concentrated, well-organized and more productive when you have a lot of tasks to complete each day. Among those techniques, the Pomodoro Technique is one of the effective and life-changing techniques that millions of people use to help them stay focused and mentally fresh. 

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a well-known time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have rather than against it. “Pomodoro” is the Italian word for tomato, and Francesco Cirillo named this technique after the tomato timer he used to time his work sessions and his breaks. 

How does the Pomodoro Technique work?

By using this method, you have to break your workday into 25-minutes chunks separated by five-minute breaks. This technique is very helpful if you easily get distracted (by both internal and external factors) while working on an assignment or a project. It is perfect for anyone who finds distractions interrupting your workday, frequently works past the optimal productivity point, has tons of tasks that require a lot of time such as studying for an exam or doing research, and for those who enjoy setting goals and achieving them.

Here is a step-by-step for applying the Pomodoro Technique to your study or work session:

1. Choose one big task that you will focus and work on and then break it

down into small chunks

2. Set the timer to 25 minutes

3. Work on the task until the timer rings

4. Take a short break but no longer than 5 minutes

5. Keep working for another 25 minutes

6. After 4 periods, take a longer break between 15-30 minute break.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022



·       What is TED?

ð  TED Conferences, LLC ( Technology, Entertainment, Design ) is an American-Canadian media organization that posts talk online for free distribution under the slogan “ Ideas Worth Spreading “. TED was conceived by Richard Saul Wurman, who co-founded it with Harry Marks in February 1984 as a conference. It has broadened its perspective to include talks on many scientific, cultural, political, humanitarian, and academic topics. Chris Anderson, a British-American businessman, has been curated it through the non-profit TED Foundation since July 2019 ( originally by the non-profit Sapling Foundation ).


Richard Saul Wurman

 Harry Marks

Chris Anderson

Ø  Why TED app?

ð  TED app is a tool for browsing, downloading, and viewing TED talks. The speaker has a maximum of speaking 18 minutes or less to speak which is considered a short video to make the audience easy to watch and catch up with the meaning. It contains various videos with different speakers who have been through tough situations that became a priceless experience to share with people. Actually, most of the videos of TED are available on TED YouTube channel that which is easy to find, but the quality is lower than on the app. By the app, we can watch it in a high quality (HD ). The app offers a playlist that can be watched immediately or downloaded for later viewing. The app always provides the most recent popular videos. Moreover, users can change to any language which they want as a subtitle while watching.

TED provides a lot of videos with the best speaker of different nationality that has gone through hard situations, and million of failures most of the speakers are in different fields such as a singer, entrepreneur, politician...etc. It is a good source to boost inspiration, and encouragement, gain communication skills, as well as improve language.



Recommended Online Course: edX

edX Online course 

Finding and choosing the course that you want to study is hard but being unable to attend the course that you like is a problem. That's why many big universities create online platforms and open-course where students all around the world can learn and study without traveling or attending the actual class. 

There is an online platform that I want to recommend to some students who are willing to learn online courses from famous universities in the US, it's called " edX ". edX is an online open course created by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). On this platform, they host online university-level to worldwide students around the world. Students can study and learn for free. Students who desire to obtain a recognized certificate can pay a fee to obtain the certificate. With edX students do not need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for tuition fees just to attend the class in person. 

If you want to explore more about the field of interest, major or find an online open course for free, edX is the best choice for you to try and consider. It's available on both IOS and Android devices.


Available on

Monday, June 6, 2022

Study Techniques: Active Recall and Spaced Repetition

Active Recall and Spaced Repetition: How to Study Effectively

We were often told to study for our tests and quizzes as students, but no one ever taught us how to study for it.

Have you ever felt as though you grasped everything your teacher said in class yet struggled at home when it came to answering tutorial questions and doing homework?

Active Recall and Spaced Repetition are two scientific research approaches. It is useful and aids students in their studies.

Active Recall

Active Recall is essentially testing your knowledge and understanding of the content that you're learning. 

You actively recall the material that you have learned, as the name suggests. This constant retrieval of data aids students in moving information from the short to the long term memory.

When it comes to learning about concepts and theories, as well as learning how to recognize what the question is asking for and when to use which concept to solve the problem, Active Recall is the most effective method.

Spaced Repetition

Learning how to retrieve information is obviously crucial, but how can you extend this memory to a longer period of time? 

Here it comes to use Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition involves spacing your revision into specific intervals over a period of time.

Memory decay can be slowed by using a learning approach called spaced repetition. As shown in the graph above, if we don't retrieve this information after a certain amount of time, we forget about it.

The only way to maintain them in our long-term memory is to go over them again and again. The more times you review these materials, the longer the period between revisions becomes.

How the apply of active recall and spaced repetition will look like

This draft plan will help you understand how to incorporate them both into your study plans. 

As you can see, at certain times, the topics are spaced out. This is due to the fact that spaced repetition aids students in recalling material just when they are about to forget it.

In this way, the memory is strengthened and the length of the memory is extended.

How to use Active Recall

After you've gone over all of your materials with any of your preferred methods, such as rereading, summarizing, and highlighting your notes. It's time to get to work on getting this data.

Here are some techniques for retrieving information from your brain.

  • Close the book
You can always put all your textbooks and notes away and start working on practice questions to see how well you understand the content.

Close your book and try to recall points by point for some specific subjects such as Biology and History, which rely largely on active recall. Continue practicing until you've mastered the material.

It's also a good idea to write down what you're remembering each time to help develop your muscle memory.
  • Flashcards
they are one of the most efficient ways to include active recall in your study.

By all means, if you're old school and prefer to write down your flashcards.

You can always try them out if you're seeking for a digital alternative such as:
  • Anki 
it is a flashcard program that costs money.

It also uses the spaced repetition method of learning. It hides cards that you have correctly guessed until you practice on the deck of cards again a few days later.
  • Quizlet
This is a free flashcard program that allows users to create their own flashcards and share them with others.
Students can also use the flashcard decks of other students to revise.
It does not, however, include the spaced repetition study approach.

What's nice about utilizing flashcards for studies is that you may review your flashcards and topics in less than 30 minutes every day.

Begin making these flashcards at the beginning of the topics where you have the most questions.

When you're working on practice questions, jot down any doubts you have.
It is also beneficial to look at which topics you are most confused and unsure about after taking a test. Then you can edit your flashcards to improve the weaker aspects of the topics.

Start early by using spaced repetition and active recall into your study strategies, rather than cramming all of your revision from first chapter to last chapter of your scientific syllabus.

This manner, by the end of the semester, just before final exams, you'll have decks of flashcards and prior KNOWLEDGE to begin studying and going through those previous year papers!

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Cornell Notes Taking Method

The Cornell Notes Taking Method

Student often take note during their lectures. It's would be helpful to look back and review them for quiz or exam. But some student struggle to look back at the note that they wrote down because they can't understand what they wrote. There are many ways to take notes and it's great to try out many techniques of notes taking and determine what work best for you.

     What is Cornell notes taking method? The Cornell Notes Taking method is a note taking system devised in the 1950s by Walter Puak, an education professor at Cornell unversity.                    

    How to take Cornell notes 

  • Note Taking Area: Record lecture.
  • Cue Column: As you're taking note, keep cue column empty. Soon after the lecture, reduce your notes to concise jottings as clue for reciting, reviewing, and reflecting.
  • Summary: Sum up each page of your notes in a sentence or two.     

Written by student: Oeng Meyling
Date: June/06/2022