Sunday, April 30, 2023

Some tips to stay focused


     To do lists help you prioritize and tie loose ends to unfinished tasks that can keep you focused because we tend to have more incomplete memories than completed tasks.  


   Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your mental well-being and overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calm.


     Give yourself a 10 or 5 minute to break every 1hour just to get a drink of water, etc. and then come back to do your work.


     Choose your favorite music that enhances your concentration and inspires you throughout the day to focus on your work.


No matter how small they are ,It might be your accomplishments in getting things done at work


     It has been shown that drinking water increases the production of neurotransmitters, increases concentration and regulates the body. And since your brain is mostly water, drinking water also helps keep your mind focused and concentrate better.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Forest App.

    FOREST🌱 is a popular productivity app that can help people beat their phone addiction and manage their time an interesting and pleasant way. With Forest, User can have a delightful experience to spend less time on their cell phone, Focus on what's more important in their life, keep our environment. 

Stay Focused, Be Present. 
  So, Here is How to Use Forest productivity app:
          Step1. Download and setting up Forest🌱


           Step2. Growing a Tree.


            Step3. Tracking your previous Focus. Session Through the menu.

              Step4. Organizing Your Tree With Tags.



              Step5. Customizing Your Experience in "Setting ".

               Step6. Spending Your coin. 

                                                               Just Six simple step!!
                                  stop being distract by your phone  or computer---
                                                               Get Forest now🌱




Wednesday, April 26, 2023


we should Think


  All over around you is always have a lot of type people. Some make  you happy, some make you sad, some make you feel good from them behavior, some make you hate, some make you love and some make you have another feel. But you should think about some people make you cry or pitiful when you saw their livelihood . It's mean in the world have more type of people specially discrimination for rich and poor and  also discrimination for LGBTQ . when you see some people on social media rich posting about they're make video food wastage, clothes, milk, vegetable,  money and more thing make they fame.  But they're never thinking for poor people they're don't have clothes for wearing, they're  don't have food for eating.... Why you don't think for this activities? You should respect for them. Because if you have that thing you can bring it to share to them. They're can't ask from you. But they need your help if you can please help them out that's difficult. 
Avoid Discrimination for this, Please help can you do if you can't do you should silence do not make all information appear. They're live in your words and deeds.


The Leitner System

The Leitner System

If  you want to start passing your test with remarkable scores, stop forgetting your essential materials in critical situations such as tests, interviews or meeting the people you have already met, but you have forgotten their names. Well look no further, The Leitner System is here at your services.

What is the Leitner System?

        Leitner System is a widely used method of efficiency that involve using flashcard and it was proposed by a German science journalist in 1970. This system implement spaced repetition where the user will need to memorize the flashcard again and again until it's content leave a mark in the user memory.

How does the Leitner System work?

 1. Creating flashcards

When creating flashcards, you can either create physical flashcards or the electronic on depending on your own preference.


 2. Create boxes

The boxes that house the flashcards can either be physical or digital depending on what type of flashcards you have chosen and each boxes need to have a date or time which you will review the content in that boxes weekly.

    3. Reviewing
When you are reviewing the flashcard of the first boxes, every flashcards you answer correctly will move into the second boxes and every flashcards you answer incorrectly will stay in the first for you to review again for the date you specified for each boxes. Later when you review the flashcards in the second box, every card you answer correctly will move into the third box and the cards you answered incorrectly will moved back to the first box. You repeat this for many time as you want until all cards move to the last box.

Why the Leitner System?
    Instead of cramming all of the content you want to memorize al in on go and risking forgetting it in the unforeseen future, the Leitner System help the user repeatedly and gradually memorize the content over a period of time which it will help lower the risk of forgetting it later on.


                                         Stop technique 

Are you always think you are hard to control yourself while the complex environment and  can not reached to achievement. This technique will be help you more effectively.

             The stop technique is a mindfulness-based practice  designed to help you defuse stress in the moment . 

       it's a four -step mental are:

        1. Stop

        2.take a breath





Interrupt your thoughts with the command 'stop' and pause whatever you doing.✋

Stop to do anything or all thinking .If we know this situation is bad affective to us

like: feel' angry, greedy, jealous, hate, stress , tired , fear, delighted------and so else. ' 

Let say stop stop till come to normalization again. 

For instance I had one memory about my  imagine . every time all my activity like eat, walk, write, study, also sleep I always make a dream don't pay attention anymore . I build the   mages who am I in the future . yes , It's very so pretty and more happiness all hour I remain it.  But unfortunate it is decrease my life from the present separate   me own direction now ,so it waste my time a lot . one day I see this technique  on google I start practice it one by one until I return to my life of present again. And when I do it first it so hard to say stop to my emotion that is reviewing the future .Nevertheless , I do it done to say stop of anything in my brain.

*take the breath

 Notice your breathing for a second . Breathe in gently and slowly through your nose , expanding your belling as you do , and exhale slowly through pursed lips.

For my own experience when I stress or feeling bad I started stop my mind and breathed one step to step about three minute and tell to myself that' It is not the dead problem it' s probably has one method to solve don't think it more serious just kiddy'. In addition, When I overjoy for anything I started loving bias and no every body can change my opinion ,but sometime it always bring me upset or regard for my chose I started to breathe and slowdown my feeling. It's really benefit for us. 


Because the observe of your though , emotions and physical sensations. What is though do you notice?

What emotions are your surfacing? How dose your body feel ? Tune in and stay with whatever arise for few moments.

For example : if  someone live in sadness feeling and they know about the stop strategy. After that , After that they stop that mean they put their sensation in the peace place which neither sad nor happy 

they put their mind in the quiet place of the brain . And start find  the reason why they sad or what happen when they feeling that ? when person survey of this they will reduce their grief .


Mindfully consider how you'd like to respond . What's one small thing you can focus on right now ?What would  be a helpful response to this situation ? Narrow down your focus and take it one small step at a time.

you can use the flashcards on the following page to have remind you of your new desired response to daily stressors. Why not try putting one on your mirror or in your diary? You can not rely on your memory for adopting these changes in your thinking and behavior -reviewing this worksheet and fit helps you reinforce your learning and create long long losting change.

                         Edited by PROM SREYOUN @blog.2023 


Focusing like Spiderman

Focusing like Spiderman

  As humans, we're very easily distracted, especially by the things surrounding us. It's really easy for us to be influenced by the little things occurring outside of our space. Especially,  when it's something new or something were not aware of that's happening. We tend to get curious, therefore distracted. 

    Now imagine what it's like for Spiderman. With his spidey-senses, he's able to sense almost everything and I mean everything... For almost every single little thing happening he can sense them. He's definitely getting distracted way more than us. So how does he stay focus? That's where The Spider Technique comes in play. 

What exactly is this technique? 

Have you ever wonder how a spider web works? Whenever a strand of silk vibrates from its web, it'll go and check it out thinking a prey has been caught. However, if you keep shaking or playing with the web repeatedly, it'll choose to ignore it instead. It's where the spider technique gets its inspiration from. Simply put, learning to ignore all of the distractions as you become accustomed to them.

You ever find yourself in situations where you're studying but there are many construction sounds going on outside? However, after hearing them for a while, you choose to ignore them. That is what the technique is about. It's to to develop the ability to ignore external distractions (constructions, songs, noises, birds chirping, etc.) There are numerous hindrance everywhere you go, no matter where you are. The best thing you can do is use this technique to learn how to ignore them.

3 Steps you can learn to do (Spider Technique): 

  • Telling yourself to focus 
    • This one is fairly self-explanatory. When you find yourself wanting to indulge, remind yourself to stop and focus (gaming, chatting, movies, etc.). Continue to tell yourself that they are only distractions.
  • Recognize your weaknesses 
    • Know what easily distracts you; find the sources of your distractions.
  • Stay clear of your weaknesses 
    • If you know what distracts you, find places or spaces where these distractions will not be present while you work.
    • Clean and organize your workspace by removing anything that can distract you. Example: phones, tablets, games, etc.


Sabine. “The Spider Technique - Noisli.” Noisli Blog, 31 Mar. 2016, Accessed 6 Apr. 2023.

Friday, April 21, 2023

 Freedom - App

Freedom to be incredibly productive! 📈💡

Freedom is the app and websites blocker for Mac, Windows, Android, IOS and Chrome. It used by over 2,500,000 people to improve concentration.

Use Freedom to block distractions so you can get your work completely. Block what you want, when you want and be more productive. Just sit down and work knowing you are completely in control of distractions.

Here is how to use Freedom:

Step1: Select your device.


Step2: Make a blocklist


Step 3: Set Your Schedule


Just three simple steps!
Stop being distract by your phone, tablet or computer - get Freedom now!!!


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Toggl Track

Toggl Track is a popular app that helps users implement the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method that involves breaking work down into 25-minute intervals, followed by short breaks. This app offers a range of features that can help users increase productivity and concentration, manage their time more effectively, and reduce burnout. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using the Toggl Track app and provide an overview of its features.

Benefits of using the Toggl Track app:

1. Increased productivity and concentration: By breaking work down into smaller intervals. The Toggl Track app can help users increase their productivity and get more done in less time. The app encourages users to focus on one task at a time, which can reduce distractions and improve concentration.
2. Improved time management: The app tracks work intervals and breaks, helping users to better manage their time. This can be especially useful for those with a lot of tasks to complete in a short amount of time.

3. Reduced burnout: Taking short breaks every 25 minutes can help reduce the risk of burnout and improve overall well-being. The Toggl Track app reminds users to take breaks, making it easier to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Features of the Toggl Track App:

1. Customizable intervals: The app allows users to customize their work intervals and breaks, making it easy to tailor the Pomodoro Technique to their specific needs.
2. Task lists: Users can create task lists within the app, helping them stay on track and prioritize their work.
3. Time tracking: The app tracks the amount of time spent on each task, providing users with valuable insights into their work habits and helping them identify areas for improvement.
4. Goal setting: The app allows users to set goals for each work session, helping them stay motivated and focused.
5. Cross-platform compatibility: The app is available on both desktop and mobile platforms, and progress is synced across devices.

In addition to these features, the Toggl Track has a clean, user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The app is also highly customizable, allowing users to choose from a range of sounds, themes, and notification settings.

Overall, the Toggl Track app is a useful application for anyone looking to improve their productivity and concentration, manage their time more effectively, and reduce burnout. With its range of features and customizable settings, this app can help users stay on track and achieve their goals.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Healthy Self-Focus


Is that important to focus on yourself? Many people didn't notice, what they have done to themself are what people around them have and they want to be liked by those people. Over time, they will get lost and this might block their goal in fortune. When you have been in the habit of focusing on others, it might be hard to shift gears. Focus on yourself isn't selfish. it's an act of self-love. These are some step that can help you :

Step 1: Know what you can do

You might think it's easy to understand what you can do the most but not everything that happens in this society you can solve all the time. First, try to find out what your habit is or what you love to do the most and make sure you're seeking what you really want. You can ask yourself what are you going to attempt, you can do it or not. The more you meet a lot of people the more you get a lot of  experience from them. If you wanna try something new, you can make a challenge on yourself .


Step 2 : Create self-care

Focusing on yourself revolves around self-care practices that meet your needs. Self-care allows you to turn attention toward yourself in a fundamental way. To get started self-care :

- Find good skincare product : take care your body look it's important. 

- relax stress :Get outside or reach out to your community, family, or friends.

- Eating healthy : Have fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and low- or no-fat dairy.

- Exercise : Find good exercises to tone every inch of your body. You should see improvements in your muscular strength, endurance, and balance.

- Get enough sleep: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to help you sleep better.

Step 3 : Show yourself some love 

Key to maintaining the right balance between focusing on yourself and focusing on others. Devoting all of your energy to other people leaves you with little for yourself. When you look within to fulfill your own needs first, you'll be in a much better position to support the ones you love. Here are the few easy way to tap into self-compassion : 

- Go out solo : Go to the movies, dinner or anywhere without friends or your lover. 

- Buy what you love : It feel so nice when you bought thing that you love for yourself and they are making you happy each time when you look at them.

- Take it easy : Don't rush, do things one at a time. You are not always in a hurry. Remind yourself that the faster you go, doesn't mean the better you are. The more mindful and loving you are, the better you will feel.                      




5 best tips to increase your concentration

 Concentration is an essential skill that can help you achieve your goals and improve your productivity. Whether you’re studying for an exam, working on a project, or trying to complete a task, being able to focus your attention and avoid distractions is crucial. 

In this blog post, I will introduce you to 5 best  tips to improve your concentration and have a deep focus on work or study as well 

Set goals

1.     Set goals - When you set a goal you naturally direct your attention toward the next step and, as a result, lead yourself in the right direction which forces your actions and your behaviors to follow.  The body follows the mind. Break down your work into smaller tasks and set achievable goals for each task. This will help you stay motivated and focused and when you complete just give a reward to yourself. 

     2.    Exercise regularly _ Exercise can help you to reduce your stress, keep your body healthy, and can improve your concentration as well. You can be going for a walk, go to the gym, do yoga, or go for a run to keep your healthy body and your mind with a deep focus.

3. Create a conducive environment   

Find a quiet place where can work or study such as a coffee shop, library, or your room (make sure your room is quiet or without distribution ), and turn off the phone and all electronic devices that might interrupt you to keep you productive and have good concentration

4. Get enough sleep - Lack of sleep can affect your concentration and productivity. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to help you stay alert and focused during the day.

5Stay hydrated - Dehydration can affect your concentration and cognitive function. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to help you stay alert and focused.

Are you lazy to bring your books to school ?


Have you ever get bored ,exhausted and lose your concentrate when you need to brings your notebooks to school all the time and sometimes there are many lectures example 10 in a day  ,so you need to bring 10 notebooks to school ? what if you can take a note on your smartphone or your laptop much lighter right ? .

Recently, the best compromise we'd found was  taking note on paper and scanning them into NOTE App🗒.
Advantages Of Using  Apple Notes :
 1.Use the Notes app to quickly capture your thoughts. You can add images and sketches, make checklists, or even scan documents. And with iCloud, your notes stay up to date on all your devices wherever you go.

 2. Scan documents
Use the iPhone camera to scan text and documents. You can mark up a scanned document and even add your signature.

 3. Add sketches and more
Draw a picture or write a note with your finger. You can choose from a variety of Markup tools and colors and draw straight lines with the ruler.

 4. Organize with tags and Smart

Use tags as a fast and flexible way to categorize and organize your notes. You can add one or more tags to a note, such as #shopping and #work, and easily search and filter your notes across folders using the Tag Browser or Smart Folders.

How does note-taking help students?
Note taking forces you to pay attention and helps you focus in class (or while reading a textbook). It helps you learn. Studies on learning have shown that actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarizing what you hear helps you understand and remember the information later.